Sunday 25 February 2007

Overstaying a welcome

Let's pretend.

Let's pretend you invited people round to your house for tea. Let's pretend that these people then proceeded to rearrange your furniture, criticised your choice of curtains or carpets and asked you to change the TV channel because they didn't like the programme that was on, despite the fact that you had been watching it. Then, because you forgot to offer them Jaffa Cakes or put sugar in their tea, they called you all the fuckers under the sun and threatened to smash your windows and burn your house down.

What would you do?

Yes, the same as I would. Your would stick your boot right into their bracket, tell them to fuck off and don't come back.

Why are the simplest things in life so difficult to do?


Brian Damage said...

While I can appreciate where you're coming from - God knows I certainly can - the simple fact is you're not going to make 1.2 billion people disappear. Not even Paul Daniels could do that.

If you had a photo of yourself up here, they'd be burning it in Damascus and Riyadh right now.

Anonymous said...

He likes to live dangerously, Dario.

JC Skinner said...

You mean the Brits, right?

The Voice of Treason said...

Wrong JC. I mean the Muslims. I don't want 1.2 billion Muslims to disappear, I just want them to live in their own countries. They are attempting to change every facet of public life, taking but not giving. We are expected to pander to them and respect their religion, while we get nothing from them but abuse and death threats. I am not racist; in an earlier post I expressed my admiration for Chinese people. If you're here to work hard and behave yourself, that's fine. If you're here to refuse to integrate yourself, to terrorise people and stamp your feet every time someone or thing doesn't live up to the standards of your faith, then fuck off.

The very fact that as Dario says, my face would be on placards in the Middle East kinda tells the story more clearly than my rantings ever could.

JC Skinner said...

Did you ever meet a Muslim, Voice?

The Voice of Treason said...

Having lived in the North East of England for a spell I did have the misfortune of meeting them on a regular basis, yes.

JC Skinner said...

And what did they do to you that made you so angry about over a billon people of all races, genders and ages?

The Voice of Treason said...

Is it the fact that expect to be treated differently than everyone else in this country? Is it the fact that they complain we don't do enough to pander to their religion whilst calling for our towns and cities to be bombed? Or is it the fact that they are attempting, bit by bit, to turn Europe into an Islamicized continent? Take your pick

JC Skinner said...

Is it so difficult to differentiate between those very few (any?) who are calling for your towns and cities to be bombed and the many thousands of others who don't?
Europe was largely an Islamic continent in the past, when Spain was Moorish, so was most of the Med islands and the Turks were as far as Vienna virtually.
Personally, I'd like a more atheistic Europe. Everyone's got the right to want to see the continent in their own image. No one has the right to inflict that on the other inhabitants, though.