Thursday 22 February 2007

Die, you fuckers

For those who don't know what an 'ASBO' is, it's an Anti Social Behavioural Order. Far from being a deterrent, it is worn as a badge of honour by scumbags such as those pictured. My own deterrent would consist of a 9mm to the back of the head. It is a proven fact that 100% of those who receive capital punishment don't re-offend.

...and I would shoot this wee cunt first.


Brian Damage said...

That is a skobe-tastic picture! I bet they got to that concert in a Corsa with the back end of a bucket for an exhaust.

Sweary said...

Ha. Lemme point something out to you.

1) They're wearing Burberry, like the Queen.

2) That chap is drinking water. He is responsible.

3) Not only that but he is wearing reflective gear as is prudent for a young man who might need to walk home from the library of a dark evening.

4) The glowstick represents a love of dance culture, which perhaps nods to a love of Ecstasy, which nods to a love of love. These young fellas wouldn't harm a fly.

5) I've got a Nike baseball hat, a pair of white trackie pants, and a selection of hoodies. Kill me now.

The Voice of Treason said...


Be afraid!

Flirty Something said...

Burberry must be delighted that their brand has been adopted by the chav classes. Particularly as it is worn with such style and panache.

Anonymous said...

Actually Flirty, they hate it. Burberry clothing was associated with spides/chavs/skobies/loyalist paramilitaries (delete as appropriate) that they actually stopped manufacturing the baseball caps a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Hey VoT,
Don't use a 9mm. A 230 grain .45ACP Hardball is much more effective. Gangsters over here (as opposed to gangsta's) use .22LR behind the left ear. Quick quiet and untraceable.

The Voice of Treason said...

Hey Brian thanks for the tip! I wonder if they sell them in Argos?

Sweary said...

Fuck outta the cowshed! I do that gesture all the time as well!