Wednesday 14 March 2007

Green taxes my hole

Am I the only one that is getting sick and tired of hearing about green issues and global warming?

It's in the paper every fucking day now, and seems to be a particular favourite hobby horse of the beard-stroking, cardigan-wearing, 'hug-a-Muslim' Guardian. I know that it is a serious problem, but what is the point in me cutting down in car usage and electricity when big business just doesn't give a bollix about what it pumps into the air?

My humble opinion: the government is gonna squeeze this green agenda thing for all it is worth, and that can only mean more taxes for the plebs. Look at it this way. The powers that be could turn round and say, 'Right Treason, me old china, we're putting your car tax up by £200 a year and we're slapping 25p on a litre of petrol.' That puts me and a lot of other people off the road. The rich, however, will just shrug their shoulders, pay the extra whack and continue to drive little Timothy 100 yards to the prep school every morning in the gas guzzling Merc. Ordinary Joe Bloggs will be priced off the roads in pretty much the same way he has been priced off the property ladder and out of third-level education.

And what will the government do with that extra money? Spend it on environmental concerns? Fucking sure they won't. It'll end up the way all taxpayers' money does - spent on keeping the lazy workshy bastards sitting on their fucking holes all day long, and paying for people to be in this country who shouldn't be here; and all the while the stupid cunts like myself who actually work for a living get screwed left, right and centre. That's why I see it as my personal, moral obligation to pay as little tax as I can possibly get away with. I get my petrol from over the border. I get my booze at knock down prices. When I smoked, I bought contraband cigs. And I have a wee sideline that brings me in a bit of cash that the taxman doesn't see.

If the government can't spend my money responsibly, then it will see less of it. Cunts.


Brian Damage said...

Treason, in much the same way that breathing oxygen can now seemingly give you cancer, damn near everything causes global warming.

Grandad posted recently calling it a load of bollocks. I agree with him.

Anonymous said...

In the 70's it was "Global Cooling". Oh yeah, we were heading for another Ice age because of pollution. All the gloom and doom, jump on the bandwagon politicians were screaming about us cooling the planet. Well now we're warming it!!!
Hey, let's just raise taxes again and that'll fix all the problems of the world. While we're at it let's just stop paying anyone anything and have all monies go directly to the gub'mint. That way EVERYONE will be equally poor!
To all the politicians all over the world.....Suck My Dick!!

You shouldn't get me started on taxation :)