Monday 19 March 2007

Know Nothings

Why does every St. Patrick's Day bring the absolute dregs of society out into the open?

I went out for a walk on St. Patrick's morning at around 11am. In a wooded area near where I live there were 15 young scumbags congregated, armed with bags of drink. At 11am. Each one had a Celtic top on and one or two had draped the national flag around their shoulders. They were noisy, shouting at the top of their voices to the wanker standing next to them, and smashing their empty bottles on the pavement.

Some display of Irishness. If I had asked them who the Taoiseach is, or what is the county town of Clare, their eyes would have have bulged, and then their heads would have exploded. They know nothing of their country's history or culture, or even of St. Patrick himself - no, they show celebrate Ireland's national holiday by dressing in the shirt of a British football team and wearing the national flag, of which they know nothing of it's meaning.

Let's round them up and chainsaw them to death. It's the only way.


Anonymous said...

A-freakin-men brother!!

Kav said...

Chainsawing the limbs first, for maximum pain. I hate the little fuckers over here who ask me what part of Ireland I'm from so they can make a judgement call on whether or not I'm alright. I'd happily chainsaw the cunts.

Anonymous said...


Good to see you back on the Voice of Treason. Let's start with the Neds in Scotland - apparently they are the scummiest of them all.


Sing it to me Brother!

Anonymous said...

You know I meant KAV, of course you did!

JC Skinner said...

There are towns in Clare, now? This country changes so fast...

Brian Damage said...

Yes, I believe Ennis now has a cinema ...

Chainsawing is too quick, Treason, you need to send a message.

Kav said...

Kev, heh. I've been called worse!