Tuesday 30 January 2007

Fuck off home, you whinging cunts

Tory leader David Cameron, forever trying to convince the British public (unsuccessfully) of the bonafides of a political party that is just marginally less corrupt than Fianna Fáil, is now trying to shore up the 'moderate' Muslim vote (if such a thing exists). He has called for an end to the oppression of Muslim women who are prevented from going out to work or attending university.

You bold boy Dave. How dare you interfere with internal Muslim religious affairs, of which you know nothing. How dare you use the word 'crusade', which conjures up memories of Christians battling Muslims centuries ago. Dave was put in his place by Osama Saeed, of the Muslim Association of Britain, who warned that Cameron had devalued his own message. "I think it is extraordinarily sloppy language - which is the most charitable slant I can put on it," he said.

The same extraordinary sloppy language, no doubt, that was used when loads of the carpet-kissing fuckers chanted 'Death to Denmark' and 'Death to America' outside the Danish Embassy in London last year, and burnt their flags; they burnt the Norwegian Embassy to the floor in Beirut last year too, and for why? That's right, Norway committed the unspeakable crime of being Denmark's neighbour to the north. Why is it that they are allowed to criticise Western life, Western values; in fact some of them make it a virtue; while if their religion is subjected to the same treatment, death threats are handed out with more frequency than cocaine in a loyalist drinking den?

I think European governments should start the compulsory deportation of these pains in the hole. And before some bleeding heart PC prick says, 'they were born in this country, blah, blah', let the the Irish football rule apply. Send them back to the country where their parents or grandparents were born. So gather them up, put them on a flight to Riyadh or Islamabad or wherever, and when the plane is flying over the city, open the door and fuck them out. Bungee jumping, no strings attached.

You want sharia law? Six wives? A radio station pumping out the whinging that passes for Koran recitals 24 hours a day? The freedom to turd-punch pre-pubescent boys in the comfort of your own home? No problem. You can have it all in your own fucking country. And this is not it.


Brian Damage said...

I think that the UK adminstration should give the Muslims some islands - the Hebrides, or the Orkneys, send them all there, and call it Muslimistan. That way, they have somewhere to bomb the fuck out of if the Muslims cause trouble.

Doubtless though, whoever suggested that would be accused of racism and forced to resign. Good old PC.

The Voice of Treason said...

That's something that really pisses me off though Dario. Islam is not a race, it's a religion. So hating Islam does not make me a racist, it makes me sectarian. And coming from the Occupied Six Counties/This Here Pravince, such a monicker is water off a duck's back to me.

Brian Damage said...

Ha ha! Yeah, you're right about that. Someday I'd imagine Catholics and Protestants united in their hate against radical Islam.

At the risk of jihad being declared on me, I welcome that day.

Brian Damage said...

Ha ha! Yeah, you're right about that. Someday I'd imagine Catholics and Protestants united in their hate against radical Islam.

At the risk of jihad being declared on me, I welcome that day.

Brian Damage said...

Ha ha! Yeah, you're right about that. Someday I'd imagine Catholics and Protestants united in their hate against radical Islam.

At the risk of jihad being declared on me, I welcome that day.

Anonymous said...

Irish Catholics and Protestants united in their hate against radical Islam. So what would they call themselves. The Irish Republican United Defence Force? The IRUDF!?!
Seriouly though, All we here over hereis that europe and in particular England is succumbing to and fawning over Islamofasists with silly laws and rulings allowing them push Sharia law further and further into the mainstream. Kinda' scary if ya' ask me. Come to this country and you can worship as you want to just don't expect me to act like you do and if ya' do don't be surprised when folks stop shopping at your store. the auto signature on my emails reads...
Our Freedom rests on four boxes, Soap, Ballot, Jury and Cartridge
Tiocfaidh ár Lá

Dmax said...

I think allah is a fag and Muhammad must have sucked is cock at some point.